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Inspiring Philanthropy - Workshop for Heads of CEU Academic Units

Wednesday, November 29, 2017, 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm

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INSPIRING PHILANTHROPYHow Academic Leaders Set the Tone for Funding
12:30-2pm / Nador 13, 303

Ensuring CEU’s long-term financial sustainability is central to the University’s next strategic plan, and philanthropy plays a significant role in this. As CEU’s academic leaders, how can you help inspire greater investment from amongst our global network of support?

Please join us for an informational workshop on fundraising, Inspiring Philanthropy: How Academic Leaders Set the Tone for Funding on Wednesday, November 29, 12:30-2pm.

Designed for heads of CEU academic units, Inspiring Philanthropy will demystify the process of seeking and securing private funding, particularly from individuals, alumni, corporates, and foundations. CEU faculty and researchers will share their experiences, including insights from the funder perspective and a case study of philanthropy in action at CEU. We are also seeking your thoughts to help shape CEU's next 5-year fundraising plan addressing a range of topics from academic and fundraising priorities related to the strategic plan to fundraising incentives for faculty.

We hope you will join us for this casual and informative session. To register, please reply to Korlan Smagulova ( by Wednesday, November 22.

More on Inspiring Philanthropy: This faculty workshop is part of CEU's first Philanthropy Week (Nov. 27-Dec. 1) and is envisioned as the beginning of a sustained focus on supporting a greater understanding of fundraising and philanthropy at CEU and fostering strong collaboration across the university in identifying and cultivating donors and soliciting and stewarding their support. In tandem with the strategic planning process, CEU's fundraising teams [the Development Office, Alumni Relations, and ACRO] are creating the University's next 5-year fundraising plan. Inspiring Philanthropy will also provide an opportunity to contribute your ideas and feedback to this plan.