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Evidence-informed public policy in a post-fact world: challenges and opportunities

Monday, December 4, 2017, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

The School of Public Policy at CEU
cordially invite you to a lecture

David Mair

Head of Unit, Knowledge Management (Geographic Coordination),
DG Joint Research Centre of the European Commission

The relationship between evidence and public policy has never been straightforward. But public policy problems are ever more complex and inter-dependent and policymakers will need more science and knowledge to develop solutions that work. But expertise and complexity are not doing so well at the ballot box. And we are drowning in information, with it often seeming that there is evidence to support any position. Finally, the rational model of policymaking, "based" on cool consideration of the facts is also being challenged by new insights into how we think and decide. The Joint Research Centre, as the European Commission's science and knowledge service, is at the heart of the evidence and policy relationship in the EU.  It is trying to understand these new challenges and put in place new training, methods and processes to help scientists and policymakers navigate this complex relationship to deliver better policies for a complex world. Come and learn about these challenges and discuss new solutions.

David Mair has worked for the European Commission since 1995 and in the Joint Research Centre (the Commission's science and knowledge service) since 2011 as Head of Unit responsible for Science advice to policy and the JRC Work Programme. Since July 2016 he is Head of the Unit "Knowledge Management: Geographic". From 2011-2013 he was also responsible for foresight in the JRC. From April 2015 to December 2015 he was Acting Director for Policy Support Coordination. From 1998 to 2011 he worked in DG Health and Consumers, involved in policy strategy, enforcement issues and consumer research, data and statistics. From 2007 to 2011 he was Head of Unit for consumer market monitoring and analysis, responsible for the Consumer Markets Scoreboard and work on consumer behaviour. Before the Commission he worked for the UK Treasury in Brussels and London and has also worked in the City of London as a corporate financier and in the British Army. He studied History at Cambridge University. He is married with two daughters.