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UNDP: Disaster Risk Reduction & SDGs - Trends and linkages

Wednesday, February 21, 2018, 1:30 pm

CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy and In-Service ICT Training for Environmental Professionals (ISEPEI) project cordially invite you to the next talk in

CEU Open Lecture Series on Disaster Management by

Armen Grigoryan

UNDP Regional Centre for Europe and CIS

Disaster Risk Reduction & SDGs:

Trends and linkages

21 FEBRUARY (WEDNESDAY), 2018 AT 13:30

Nádor utca 15, Room 103 (N15 103)

A changing climate and rapidly growing exposure to disaster risk present the world with an unprecedented challenge. Disasters affect all countries, but for developing countries, which are both more likely to be affected and less able to cope with the impact, the challenge is particularly severe. Decades of development progress hang in the balance, and could very well be rolled back. To address disaster challenges The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 was adopted at the Third UN World Conference in Sendai, Japan, on March 18, 2015.  

UNDP is the lead Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) player in Europe and CIS (ECIS) region with big and relevant portfolio. This portfolio serves as a basis for promotion of risk informed development by creating the legislative, institutional, and technical basis for national and regional DRR system. UNDP works to integrate issues of climate, disaster risk and energy at a country level, and to focus on building resilience and ensuring that development remains risk-informed and sustainable.

The session will focus on the trends and linkages of DRR as an integrated practice, links to risk, resilience, poverty, sustainable development, etc. How do we assess loses? What about Insurance? How can we preserve our planet for our children? Several key studies will be considered: Post Disaster Needs Assessment (as a global tool for assessing disaster damages); Climate Box (climate education). 

Mr. Grigoryan is a Regional Cluster Leader - Climate Change/Disaster Resilience and Global Energy Policy Advisor for Europe and CIS region in UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support. In this role, he oversees work on DRR, CC/A, Energy and Crisis Response, as well as risk integration and resilience. Mr. Grigoryan comes with over 20 years of experience in UN system on DRR at country, regional and global levels. He has extensive work experience in working on DRR and Climate issues from previous assignments in UNDP (BCPR). His technical focus has been on Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change (Adaptation and Mitigation), Disaster Preparedness and Recovery, Energy, Humanitarian-Development nexus, Disaster Assessments - PDNA, sectoral DRR/CC such as Conflict and Disaster Interface, and Mine Action.

All students, faculty and staff members are welcome to attend!

Find out more about the CEU Open Lecture Series on Disaster Management and make sure to register to show your interest in attending the talk.