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Interconnections between Migration and the Environment - Data and Research for Master and Dissertation Writing

The CEU Campus
Thursday, March 1, 2018, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

Interconnections between migration and the environment have been at the core of both population-environment studies, and public and policy dialogues.

  • Which data and issues from the field of demography should students take into account and investigate during their time of research for a Master or PhD thesis?
  • How do you figure out which is the most important data for your thesis?
  • Where can you find the necessary information?
  • How can you use the data in your research and writing?

This seminar examines the problems that create climate change, ecologically induced migration, and both regional and international refugee flows. We will also look at the influences of population migration on the environment, on the livelihood of migrant and native populations, and on inequality issues in urban and rural areas. Public and environmental policy cannot be properly understood without analyzing the main demographic indices that relate to migration.

Master students and PhD students of Environmental Sciences and the Policy Department are especially welcome!

Dr. Irina Molodikova works in the EnvScP Department’s “Migration and Security in Post-Soviet Space” project and is the author-contributor and editor of numerous books. Among the latest are, ‘Transit migration in Europe’ (2014); ‘Handbook on Migration and Globalization’ (2017) with Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; UN-IOM ‘Smuggling report’, 2018 (forthcoming).