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Memories of the Danube

University Life
Saturday, March 24, 2018, 2:00 pm – Thursday, March 29, 2018, 7:00 pm

The Danube, flowing through ten countries, is deeply woven into the fabric of these lands and their people. It is not merely a body of water but a carrier and preserver of memories. Through this project, we intend to bring people together through their collective and personal memories associated with the River Danube and we encourage them to share these memories. It may be a childhood recollection of fishing, playing, or swimming in the river, a reminder of a difficult phase in life, the loss of a loved one, a first date, a new beginning, a journey, or a reminder of some other river that flows in their homeland.

The Cultural Heritage Studies Program at CEU organizes a series of events entitled ‘Memories of the Danube’ in March 2018 at CEU and along the banks of Danube. The MA students of the Program and invite members of the CEU community and people living and studying in Budapest to share their memories and experiences about the Danube as a place of memory and cultural heritage. Through these events, we wish to bring together people belonging to diverse cultural backgrounds and to point out how important it is to preserve our common environmental and cultural heritage.


March 24 - Danube Games

An urban game along the Danube bank for children and adults, full of surprise.  Due to limited number of places, registration is required (here). Do not hesitate to join! 

Groups start at 2.00, 2.30, 3.00, 3.30 pm.
Meeting point: Három Holló café (Piarista köz 1, entrance from the Szabad sajtó út, 1052 Budapest, MAP).
End point: Café Estratto, 15 Nádor Street, CEU.

March 26 - Roundtable Discussion

Topic: “Should the state manage the memorials and memories on behalf of the people?” 
Speakers: Daniel Ziemann, Stefano Bottoni, Gabriella Ivacs, Tamás Meszerics, Éva Kovács

Venue: CEU, Nador 15, Room 103
Time: 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

March 29 - Exhibition: Danube Memories through Lenses and Objects

A multimedia and pop-up exhibition about the Danube as it features in personal memories of people from the CEU community and beyond. Visitors are invited to contribute.

Venue:  CEU, Nador 15, Auditorium A
Open from 11 am
Closing ceremony: 5:00 pm