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Danube Memories through Lenses and Objects

Thursday, March 29, 2018, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

The multimedia exhibition "Danube memories through lenses and objects" is part of the Memories of the Danube project designed and implemented by the students of the Cultural Heritage Studies Program at CEU.

On March 29, for one day, we will turn the CEU Auditorium into a space filled with personal memories. Photographs and objects displayed at the exhibition will showcase beautiful stories as seen by their owners though lenses or experience.

The visitors are invited to virtually sail across the Danube, get inspired by the exhibition showpieces and plunge into their own memories, thus understand how the Danube can connect people through shared experience.

For one month we have been collecting photographs and stories through an open call launched among the CEU community, residents of Budapest, and other towns along the Danube. Objects of the pop-up museum have been collected from CEU staff and faculty, who commute daily to CEU campus from different parts of Budapest and beyond and contributed with a material evidence of a memorable encounter with the River Danube. The exhibition will also showcase some findings that are expected during the “Danube Games” – another event of the project on March 24. Besides, some memories of the Danube will be presented through short video clips, in which CEU students will share their own stories about the role the river has played in their experience of Budapest.

Finissage ceremony: 17:00, Auditorium A

17:00 - Jazz concert performed by Lilla Orbay (singer) and Gáspár Thorpe (guitar)
17:30 - Presentation of the exhibition by Nick Thorpe, journalist and writer, Central Europe Correspondent for the BBC, author of the book entitled The Danube - A Journey Upriver from the Black Sea to the Black Forest
17:45 - Awarding the winner of the photo contest
18:00 - Final remarks