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Careers in the United Nations

Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

This time CEU alumni working for the United Nations will join us to share with you their first-hand experience and advice on UN job search. We know that many of you are planning to work for the UN and we wanted to make sure to organize an event to help you get started or become more prepared in this extremely competitive area!

Join us and hear tips on:
- Basic structure of the UN recruitment system, career paths
- What skills/experience is needed to get a position at UN
- How to start searching for a UN job
- How to move within UN - countries, roles, etc.
- What exactly from CEU student life CEU alumni find helpful in their current job - knowledge, particular skills, network. Challenges/advantages.

Invited panelists:

Krisztina Kotka, CEU IR ‘12 - UNHCR, Emergency Supply Chain
Krisztina worked in administrative and logistics field for 10 years before pursuing a college degree in IR. Studied and worked in US for 7 years and graduated from CEU in 2012. Worked in supply chain and asset management for GE, FAO, and UNHCR for 9 years total.

Katarina Posa, CEU IR ’14 - UNICEF, Curriculum Development Consultant
Katarina is a Curriculum Development Consultant at UNICEF Global Shared Services Centre in Budapest. She has been working as a people development professional with emphasis on training, curriculum design, development and delivery, assessment administration, management of training projects and staff development for over 15 years in China, Japan, Australia, the USA, Germany and Hungary. She is an accredited Motivational Maps®, Everything DiSC®, Action Learning and PRINCE2® practitioner who strives to make an impact with every interaction, and is passionate about creating fulfilling context in the workplace. Besides her job, she has been involved in pro-bono coaching and consulting. Kat is also the local alumni chapter co-leader in charge of organizing personal development mini-workshops for CEU alumni.   

Barbora Petrova, CEU SPP ‘15 - FAO, Project Management Associate

Ilona Ilma Branagan, CEU IR ’10 - UNHCR, Global Learning Centre, Staff Development Associate
Ilona has been working on educational and professional development projects for the past seven years, including higher education and executive education projects at Central European University in Hungary, school projects and teaching with NGOs in Madagascar, and learning programmes for staff at UNHCR. She currently works as Staff Development Associate at UNHCR`s Global Learning Center in Budapest, supporting learning programmes developed for UNHCR staff and partners from around the world. Earlier in her career, she has been working also with the Regional Representation for Central Europe of UNHCR, getting some insight into the work of a field office. Ilona holds an MA in International Relations from CEU and a BA in History and Law from Babes-Bolyai University in Romania.

Merdan Atayev, CEU BUSI ‘11, UNDP Turkmenistan, past experience - Finance Specialist of the Global Fund Project 

Further bios of panelists to be uploaded soon!

Not in Budapest? E-mail Gréta Pelyák ( - main organizer, ask for the streaming information and follow the event online!