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Roma Political Response towards Far-Right Doctrines Upraise across Europe

Panel Discussion
The CEU Campus
Friday, April 27, 2018, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Roma Political Response towards Far-Right Doctrines Upraise across EuropeAPRIL 27, 3:00 PM Central European University, Budapest Nador utca 15, 106

A panel discussion organized by CEU Romani Studies Program Students

ABSTRACT / Few imagined that it would be Western Europe and the United States drifting towards the xenophobic populism that triumphed first in Hungary and Poland, before moving Westward toward France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, and Italy. In the past ten years, new right wing political movements have brought together coalitions of Neo-Nazis with mainstream free-market conservatives, normalizing political ideologies that in the past rightly caused alarm. In Europe this network of mainstreamers and their sometimes violent street-level supporters are winning ever larger electoral majorities; in countries like Poland and Hungary they are already in power and attempting to restructure education, immigration, and the judiciary in their own illiberal image. Is the participation of the Roma in political life still possible, a part of the solution towards this kind of developments? Can the issue of Roma political power continue to be ignored? And isn’t it clear that a lack of political power contributes to Roma discrimination and the lack of economic opportunities?

/ Speakers and Agenda /

3:00 – 3:20 PM

Welcome Adress: Bogdan Burdusel, RGPP Student

Opening remarks by:

Soraya Post/ Member of European Parliament (recorded video message)

Marius Taba / Visiting Lecturer and Research Fellow / Corvinus University of Budapest

3:20 – 4:30 Panel Discussion Roma Political Response towards Far-Right Doctrines Upraise across Europe. Panelists:

Angéla Kóczé – Assistant Professor, Romani Studies Program, CEU

Marius Taba – Lecturer at Corvinus University

Ágnes Daróczi – Cultural Manager and Journalist

Roland Ferkovics – Policy and Advocacy Officer, Roma Education Fund

Michal Mižigár– RGPP student, CEU

/ Reception and Networking to follow on the 2nd floor of Nador 15 /