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Therapy Exhibition Opening – Threshold Festival

Monday, May 7, 2018, 7:00 pm – Sunday, June 10, 2018, 9:00 pm

Therapy Exhibition – Threshold Festival

May 7 – June 10,  2018

Galeria Centralis, Vera and Dondald Blinken Open Society Archives

1051 Budapest Arany János u. 32.


Opening Remarks by József Mélyi, Art Historian

Therapy is the main exhibition of the Küszöb Festival, which reflects on the situation of the youngest generation of artists. The project used group therapy (“self-awareness group” would be the proper term in psychological parlance) as a tool to be able to show how the young artists of today see their present and future in Hungary. Two psychologists led the self-awareness group of ten young artists, who were chosen by the curator. At the group events the artists started to discuss the personal difficulties that they encountered at the outset of their careers and tried to define the failings of the current institutional system.

Based on the experience of recent years and the therapy, the participants aimed to formulate suggestions which could solve the problems of the institutional system without the need for massive funding. The exhibited artworks were created at the end of the therapy and are reactions to the current situation of the exhibiting artists and to the imperfections of the institutional system of contemporary art.

Curator: Tamás Don
Artists: Csönge Balla, Viktória Balogh, Dávid Demeter, Máté Dobokay, Marcell Kazsik, Botond Keresztesi, Victor Lima, Judit Lilla Molnár, Lili Thury, Balázs Máté Tóth
Design: Rita Bence, Enikő Eged, Zsófia Györfi