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International Arbitration Conference

Thursday, May 17, 2018, 12:30 pm – 6:30 pm

The Department of Legal Studies of CEU and JEANTET

cordially invite you to the international arbitration conferenceThe New Hungarian Arbitration Act:Views from Hungary and Abroad

The Department of Legal Studies of Central European University is pleased to announce that, on 17 May 2018, it will host a Conference entitled: “The New Hungarian Arbitration Act: Views from Hungary and Abroad”. This Conference will bring together arbitration experts from ten jurisdictions and seeks to provide a forum for discussion of the recently enacted new Hungarian Arbitration Act. It aims to inform participants of the most significant legislative changes and their practical implications. Particular emphasis will be placed on comparison of the new Hungarian Act with the arbitration laws of other jurisdictions.

For more detailed information regarding the Conference program, please refer to the attached poster.

To participate in this event, please register by 14 May 2018.

The registration fee is Euros 50 and must be paid by bank transfer prior to the start of the Conference. Payment information will be sent by email after registration.

Participation is free for speakers, full-time students, academics, and judges. Additional fee waivers may be granted in exceptional cases. Should you wish to apply for a waiver, please submit a request stating your reasons.