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Dehumanizing the Other: Responding to Islamophobic, Anti-Semitic and Anti-Roma Anti-Refugee Speech

The CEU Campus
Monday, June 4, 2018, 5:00 pm – Wednesday, June 6, 2018, 5:30 pm

June 4, Monday

Location: CEU, Nádor u. 15. Auditorium

5 PM: Welcoming Remarks
Michael Ignatieff (President and Rector, CEU)
Balazs Trencsényi (Head of the Department of History, CEU)
Iver Orstavik (Senior Advisor, Rafto Foundation for Human Rights)
Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt (Executive Director, Rafto Foundation for Human Rights)
Peter Molnár (Rafto Laureate, CEU, Radio Tilos)
5:15 PM: Opening Keynote
Kenan Malik (Indian-born British writer, lecturer and broadcaster): Looking Closer to Home: How Mainstream Politics Paved the Way for the Demonization of Migrants
Chair: Peter Molnar (Rafto Laureate, CEU, Radio Tilos)
6:45 PM: Break
7 PM: "Hate Speech" Monologues

June 5, Tuesday

10:30 AM: Dehumanizing the Other in Historical Perspectives I
Location: CEU, Nádor u. 15. Auditorium A
Francisca de Haan (Professor of Gender Studies and History, CEU): For Women's Rights and Peace, Against War and Fascism: The Life and Legacy of Rosa Manus (1881 - 1942)
Prem Kumar Rajaram (Head of the CEU Open Learning Initiative, Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology CEU): Dehumanisation in the 19th-Century Colonies and Its Current Resonances in Europe
Leo Lucassen (Director, Research of the International Institute of Social History and Professor of Social History at Leiden University): Why Panic? Explaining the Extreme Reactions to the 'Refugee Crisis' from a Long-Term Perspective
Chair: Istvan Rev (Director, OSA, Professor at CEU Department of History)
12 PM: Break
12:15 PM: "Hate Speech" against Civil Society Organizations
Location: CEU, Nádor u. 15. Auditorium B
Eduard Nazarski (Director, Amnesty International Netherlands): Us Versus Them
Stefania Kapronczay (Executive Director. Hungarian Civil Liberties Union): Pushing back hateful messages: An opportunity to reinforce human rights values
Orsolya Reich (Advocacy Officer, Civil Liberties Union for Europe): Legitimacy, Hate and Foreign Funding?
John O'Sullivan (President, Danube Institute): Hatred, Hate and Hate Speech
Chair: TBA
13:45 PM: Lunch
15 PM: Remapping Hate Speech: Has Central and/or Eastern Europe Caught up with Western Europe?
Location: CEU, Nádor u. 15. Auditorium B
Iyad El Baghdadi: "Narratives of otherization, both individuals (radicalization) and collective (populism)"
Monika Bobako (Poznan University): Islamophobia as a Technology of Power. The Case of the Anti-Refugee Discourse in Poland
Peter Kreko (Director, Political Capital)
Vera Messing (Center for Social Science, HAS and Center for Policy Studies, CEU) – Bence Ságvári (Center for Social Science, HAS): Factors Influencing Attitudes towards Migration. The Result of a European Cross-Country Comparative Study
Chair: Martin Kahanec (Dean SPP, CEU)
17 PM: Break
(17:30 PM: Janos Kis, Rethinking Open Society lecture - Participants will attend this closely connected lecture although it is not part of the conference.)

June 6, Wednesday

10:30 AM: How Dangerous is Dehumanizing Speech?
Location: CEU, Október 6 u. 7. October Hall
Kenan Malik (Indian-born British writer, lecturer and broadcaster)
Michael J. Horowitz (Director of Hudson Institute's Project for Civil
Justice Reform and Project for International Religious Liberty): Does Europe Need a First Amendment?
Sean Manion (Researcher, Dangerous Speech Project): Nativism and Foreigners: Dangerous Speech Deployed
Peter Molnár (Rafto Laureate, CEU, Radio Tilos): Dehumanization and Imminent Danger
Chair: TBA
12 PM: Break
12:15 PM: Dehumanizing the Other in Historical Perspectives II
Location: CEU, Október 6 u. 7. October Hall
Maria Kronfeldner, Professor (Department of Philosophy, CEU): What is Dehumanization?
Stefania Koulaeva (Executive Director, Anti-Discrimination Centre Memorial): Minorities facing hate: vulnerability and self-exclusion
Dmitry Dubrovsky (Center of Independent Social Research, European University at St. Petersburg): From the Mentally Ill to the Morally Perversive: the USSR Legacy of Anti-Dissent Propaganda in Current Russian media
Chair: Balazs Trencsényi (Head of Department of History, CEU)
13:45 PM: Lunch
15 PM: No Limits for Dehumanizing Speech?
Location: CEU, Október 6 u. 7. October Hall
Henriett Dinók (Director, Romaversitas): The Framing of Hate: Hungarian Political Discourse about Anti-Semitism and Anti-Gypsyism
Nick Thorpe (BBC)
Chair: Krisztina Bombera (ATV)
18 PM: Closing Discussion in Aurora (civil society space)
Location: CEU, Nádor u. 13. Roof