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Stefano Bottoni: Long Awaited West. Eastern Europe since 1944

Tuesday, June 12, 2018, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

15.00–15.10: Andrea Pető (CEU, Professor in the Gender Studies
Department, Chair of the Second World War Historical
Subcommittee of HAS): introductory remarks
Chair: Balázs Trencsényi (CEU, Professor, Head of History
15.10–15.40: Keynote speech, Philipp Ther (Professor of Central
European History, Head of the University of Vienna's Institute for
Eastern European History)
15.40–15.50: Answer, Stefano Bottoni (senior fellow, Research
Center for the Humanities of the HAS, Secretary of the Second
World War Historical Subcommittee of HAS)
15.50–16.30: Discussion