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Research Progress Workshop 2018

The CEU Campus
Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 9:00 am – Wednesday, June 20, 2018, 1:00 pm

Research Progress Workshop
Department of Cognitive Science
Central European University

Tuesday and Wednesday, June 19-20, 2018
Room 101, Október 6. utca 7.
Budapest 1051


Tuesday, June 19, 2018SESSION 1 (Chair: Katarina Begus)

9:00 Laura Schlingloff

Do infants understand the rationality of helping?

9:20 Nima Moussavifard

Infants' Understanding of the Communicative Nature of Gestures in Third-party Interactions

9:40 Dóra Fogd

To update or not update: that is the question 

10:00 Eszter Szabó

Comprehension of verbal negation expressing non-existence and proposition denial in 15-month-olds

10:20 Paula Fischer

Can 3-year-old children represent beliefs about efficiency?

10:40 Gábor Bródy

Systems of object representation in infancy: evidence from the manual search paradigm


SESSION 2 (Chair: Merse E. Gáspár)

11:20 Ádám Koblinger

Relative uncertainty of hierarchical levels guides the adaptation of complex internal models

11:40 Gábor Lengyel

Irrelevant statistical regularities modulate perceptual learning 

12:00 József Arató

Active Statistical Learning

12:20 Sára Jellinek

Evidence for automatic generative learning in humans

12:40 Ádám Boncz

Behavioral and neural coupling in verbal interaction

13:00 LUNCH


Wednesday, June 20, 2018SESSION 3 (Chair: Mathieu Charbonneau)

 9:00 Helena Miton

The evolution of graphical communication

9:20 Mia Karabegović

The Influence of Audience Quality on Actors' Generosity and Observers' Trust in Future Interactions

9:40 Török Georgina

You, me, and whose costs? Computations behind co-efficiency in joint action

10:00 Francesca Bonalumi

Understanding implicit cues of commitment

10:20 Johannes Mahr

The influence of first- and second-hand information on retrieval-dependent eye-movements


SESSION 4 (Chair: Merryn Constable)

11:00 Luke McEllin

Third person perception of Joint Improvisation

11:20 Thomas Wolf

Why People Rush the Tempo in Rhythmic Joint Actions

11:40 Simily Sabu

The Role of Variability in Joint Motor Learning

12:00 Nazli Altinok

Do preverbal infants interpret inefficient actions as group conventions?

12:20 Otavio Mattos

What does she want? The influence of kinds on how infants interpret ambiguous requests


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