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European Heritage Days at CEU

Arts & Entertainment
Saturday, September 15, 2018, 10:00 am – Sunday, September 16, 2018, 7:00 pm

The European Heritage Days are a widely celebrated cultural event shared by the citizens of Europe, when numerous monuments and sites open their doors for the public, allowing them to enjoy free visits and learn about their shared cultural heritage. This is the sixth time that CEU welcomes visitors and shares the heritage value and history of its buildings both for the broader public and for members of its own community. The guides are students, alumni, and faculty members of the Cultural Heritage Studies Program at CEU.

Meeting point for the guided tours: Nador 15 Front Desk

15 September, Saturday

11:00 - Guided tour (in English)
Neo-Classicist Palaces in the Building Complex of CEU (by Dóra Mérai)

14:00 - Guided tour (in Hungarian)
Művészet és kultúra a CEU épületeiben és környékén (by Veronika Budai)

15:00 Urban Treasure Hunt around CEU: “From the Danube Palace to the Michael Jackson Memorial Tree” / "A nagy lipótvárosi nyomozás – rejtélyek a Duna Palotától a Michael Jackson-emlékfáig" (in English and in Hungarian). Meeting at Nador 15, Front Desk
A treasure hunt about music, the traces are music, the solution is music, the reward is music – both for musicians and for non-musicians. The area called Lipótváros in the Fifth District of Budapest has preserved many important memories and memorials about music: Franz Liszt, Richard Wagner, Béla Bartók, as well as Antonín Dvořák were all connected to this part of the city. Explore the heritage sites and buildings, memorial plaques and public monuments of Lipótáros with your team, find out the stories connected to these, and by solving the quiz, investigate after a lost musician, without whom there will be no concert in the evening.
Meeting from 14:45 at the Nador 15 Front Desk.
If you want to participate, please, register in advance here.
Information in Hungarian

16:00- Guided tour (in English)
From Palace to University Campus. The Building Complex of CEU and its Urban Landscape (by József Laszlovszky)

16:00 - Guided tour (in Hungarian)
Örökség és 21. századi építészet a belvárosban: A Közép-Európai Egyetem régi és új épületei (by Dóra Mérai)

17:00 – Exhibition opening (in English and in Hungarian), Nador 13 Foyer
“Gods on the Road: Vehicular Art in the Indian Subcontinent”
Photo exhibition by Konstantin Novaković (Serbia)

17:30 – Concert, Nador 15, CEU Auditorium
“Heritage in Heritage” - Fourtuna Quartet

16 September, Sunday 

11:00 - Guided tour with presentation (in Hungarian)
Lipótváros zsidó öröksége (by Zsófia Maróti)

14:00 - Guided tour (in Hungarian)
Neo-klasszicista paloták a Közép-Európai Egyetem épületeiben (by Dóra Mérai, Réka Bálint)

15:30 – Café Chamber Music, Nador 15 Café
Szalag (Ribbon) Quartet
Members of the Szalag (Ribbon) Quartet (Attila Kőmíves and Anna Tiszolczi-Bertalan– violin, János Schneller - viola, Gergely Szálka – cello) are amateur chamber musicians, whose “civilian” profession is IT developer, marketing manager, art historian, or lawyer. They have their rehearsals in the living rooms of their apartments, and they perform in art galleries, churches, and apartment concerts. Now they will perform from Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto in D major, a piece by which, according to the legend, even Tolstoy was moved to tears.
For Hungarian description, click here

16:00 - Guided tour (in English and in Hungarian, on demand)
Épületek és építészek a Belső Lipótvárosban / Architecture and Architects in the Inner Lipótváros (by József Laszlovszky)

17:00  Café Jazz Concert, Nador 15 Café
Lilla Orbay (singer) and Péter Cseh (guitar)