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Apocalypticism and Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Greek Orthodoxy

Thursday, September 27, 2018, 5:30 pm

Apocalypticism, perceived as the preoccupation with the Latter Days or generally with the transcendent revelation of future events, constitutes a significant field of knowledge in monotheistic religious cultures. This talk will focus on the various transfer movements which make up the features of apocalyptic knowledge in Early Modern Greek Orthodoxy. Their forms include shared tropes among Ottoman Christians and Muslims, discourses related to confessionalization processes especially in exegetical literature, but also transfers born out of the recontextualization and/or invention of byzantine oracular tradition.


Nikolas Pissis (Athens 1979) studied history in Athens, Tuebingen and Munich. He received his PhD from the Freie Universitaet Berlin with a dissertation on “Russia in the Political Imagination of the Greek World 1645-1725”. He works as a researcher at the Collaborative Research Center “Episteme in Motion”, Freie Universitaet Berlin and he teaches Modern Greek History at the Institute for Greek and Latin Philology of the same university.