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Boosting Gender Equality @CEU - SUPERA project launch event

Friday, October 12, 2018, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm


  • Michael Ignatieff, President and Rector
  • Eva Fodor, Pro-Rector for the Social Sciences and Humanities
  • Andrea Krizsan, Chair, Senate Equal Opportunity Committee
  • Ana Belen Amil, Gender Equality Officer

Invited speaker:

  • Jorg Muller, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya: "Diversity & Science. Gender Equality as Basis of Scientific Excellence"

Gender equality is an integral part of CEU’s foundational values of an open society. CEU is strongly committed to promoting equal opportunity, and ensuring that its faculty, staff and students are treated and respected equally regardless of their gender identity. To enhance its commitment towards gender equality, in June 2018 CEU joined the Supporting the Promotion of Equality in Research and Academia European initiative (SUPERA project). 

SUPERA is a European Commission funded project in which together with three other universities from Spain, Portugal and Italy and two research funding organizations, CEU will work towards the common goal of improving gender equality within its structures. The main objective is to devise and implement an evidence-based and community-wide deliberated Gender Equality Plan which tackles gender inequalities, stereotypes and biases in research and academia. This is a key opportunity for CEU to set up sustainable structures for the achievement of gender equality. We aim to integrate actions into CEU’s central administration activities, clearly defining responsibilities, ensuring the delivery of relevant training to the members of different CEU units, and developing mechanisms for continued gender-related data collection and monitoring.