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Interaction Matters | Tackling Ableism

Thursday, October 18, 2018, 5:20 pm – 7:00 pm

Human RightS Initiative will host the second workshop of our Interaction Matters* series. It will be titled Tackling Ableism, and it aims to generate discussions on how to counter the inequalities caused by society’s overwhelming preference for non-disabled people, with a focus on how to interact in more meaningful and mindful ways on a daily basis.

The workshop will combine theory and practice, focusing on what ableism is, what it means in the global and the Hungarian context, and will feature interactive exercises to help us counter these processes.


We want to listen to your experiences.

Interactions Matters aims to raise awareness on pressing and current issues that are still present in our global communities, such as racial bias, religious prejudice, sexism, ageism, and ableism, amongst other important themes. The workshops aim to provide practical tools to participants to be able to effectively contribute to building more positive, respectful relationships among themselves and with the wider society.

We want to make this workshop a polyphony of voices. We need your input to make our communities diverse and inclusive for all!

We hope to count on your participation.

Please RSVP here.