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Regional Security in Central and Eastern Europe: Trump’s NATO vs PESCO?

Monday, October 29, 2018, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

The European security environment has undergone radical changes in the past five years. The policy and academic communities are buzzing with talk about a “new Cold War” with Russia, the stalemate in Ukraine has no end in sight, prevalent securitization of the so-called migration crisis is reshaping how Europe sees itself and its security, and US president Trump’s confrontative and often contradictory statements have upended what member states believed to be stable truths about NATO and collective security.

The conference seeks to contribute to the ongoing debate by focusing on how the CEE states in general cope with this new environment. Panelist will discuss the future of NATO cooperation, the alliance’s evolving symbiosis with European security initiatives, and last but not least the NATO’s problematic relationship with Russia.


9:30 Opening address

  • Péter Balázs – Director, Center for European Neighborhood Studies
  • Beate Martin & Jörg Bergstermann – Co-Heads of Office, Friedrich Ebert Foundation Budapest

9:40 Keynote

  • Karsten Voigt – SPD, former Coordinator of German-North American Cooperation at the Foreign Office of Germany

10:10-11:30 NATO and European Security: Synergies and Conflicting Issues

  • Uwe Optenhögel –Vice-President, Foundation for European Progressive Studies, Brussels, Belgium
  • Miroslav Mizera – Fellow, Strategic Policy Institute - Stratpol, Bratislava, Slovakia
  • Bence Németh – Adjunct Professor, King’s College London, London, United Kingdom
  • Marcin Terlikowski – Head of European Security and Defence Economics Project, Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM), Warsaw, Poland

Panel chair: Maryna Vorotnyuk – Research Fellow, Center for European Neighborhood Studies

11:30-12:50 NATO’s Identity and Central and Eastern European Security

  • Michal Baranowski – Director, Warsaw Office, GMF US, Warsaw, Poland
  • Pauli Järvenpää – Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Defence and Security, Tallinn, Estonia
  • András Rácz – Associate Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary
  • Hanna Shelest – Editor-in-chief of UA: Ukraine Analytica, Kyiv, Ukraine

Panel chair: Annamária Kiss – Research Fellow, Center for European Neighborhood Studies

12:50 Closing remarks

  • Péter Balázs – Director, Center for European Neighborhood Studies

13:00-14:00 Buffet Lunch

Please register HERE