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Alumni Meetup with CEU iLab

Thursday, November 8, 2018, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

You are invited to a special event on Thursday, November 8, 6 PM on CEU campus. The program is hosted by the Alumni Relations Office and CEU iLab, the University’s award winning startup incubator. 

Join us to hear the inspiring stories of fellow CEU alumni who brought their ideas to iLab and are now working hard with their teams to make their startups thrive. 


6:00- 6:30  Registration

6:30-6:40   Welcome by Nena Grceva (GEN'05), Head of Alumni Relations,  Andrea Kozma, Director of iLab (LEGS'95, BUSI'15) and Professor Peter Szilagyi, Head of MS in Finance program and Head of the FinTech Section of the CEU iLab

6:40.7:15   CEU iLab team introductions: 

  • #School, founder: Tamas Zahorszky (LEGS'02, BUSI'14)

  • AbsoRice, founder: Tamas Nagy (BUSI'15)

  • Ryde, founder: Saleha Bhatti (ECBS'18)

  • Savage, founder: Saida Ayupova (IRES'11)

  • ShareKiwi, core team member: Bence Jenofi (ECBS'18)

Join us for a reception afterwards and have a chat with the teams and other fellow alumni.

We will be delighted to see you. 
PLEASE RSVP via the registration link bellow by November 1st.

SEE WHO IS COMING:                                      

Adlet Aliyeva (INTR'16)
Antonio Alcazar (IRES ’16)
Tim Joy Alonzo (LEGS'16)
Zoya Andekyan (ECBS ’19)
Elena Andreeva (INTR'16)
Balint Balazs (HIST ’01)
Bernadett Ball (GENS ’07)
Melissa Bandi (HIST ’04)
Zsolt Bárczy (BUSI' 93)
Orsolya Barsi (ENVS'02)
Zsolt Berényi (BUS'13)
Miriam Bernhard (BUSI ’18)
Rakhi Bhandari (BUSI'16, '17
Michael Bist (BUSI ’05)
Csaba Boldis (ECON'95)
Veranika Bursevich (SOCL'11)
Robert Byssz (BUSI'15)
Elena Cernov (ENVS ’16)
Jason Clowes 
Aleksandra Cwik (MEDS ’18)
Justin De Los Santos (SPP ’14)
Zoltan Falusy (BUSI ’14)
Gabor Finaczy (BUSI ’14)
Jeremy Foy (BUSI ’07)
Gyula Gáspár (BUSI ’03)
Anna Gordiievska (IRES ’12)
Martina Gornik (LEGS ‘19)
Nena Grceva (GEN'05)
Viktor Gulyas  (BUSI ‘10)
Dursun Halimova (SPP ’15)
Basil Hararah (BUSI ’17)
Stewart Harvey (BUSI ‘10, 12)
Martin Hergert (BUSI ’10)
Csaba Hetényi
Andras Hont (BUSI ’17)
Gaspar Horvath (BUSI ’17)
Merziha Idrizi (DPP ’13)
György Jablonszky (BAJP ’16)
Bence Jenofi (ECBS ’18)
Marton Juhasz 
Andras Karpaty (BUSI'15)
Veronika Kunytska (ECON'17)
Al Hussein Kutaiba (LEGS'18)
Barnabas Kádár (IRES ’14)
Gabor Kaizer (BUSI ’16)
Anna Kaposvári
Bence Káposzta (ECBS ’18)
Zlata Kharitonova (NATI ’12)
Saheem Khizar (SPP ’19)
Zsuzsanna Kis (ECBS ’18)
Miklós Klenanc (LEGS'11)
Elena Kochkova (BUSI ’09)
Seyed HIwa Kolichi (OLIV'18)
Zsombor Koman (MATH ’18)      
Michal Kopp (BUSI ’15)
Iryna Koshulap (GENS ’14)
Yuriy Koshulap (HIST ’10)
Andrea Kozma (LEGS'95, BUSI'15)
Adam Kozula (ECBS ’17)
Kostiantyn Kurganov (LEGS ’94)
Jelena Langer (BUSI'15)
Andreea-Raluca Leru (DPP'09)
István Maczkó (BUSI' 98)
Steve Mathew    
Jozsef Matyasi  (POLS ’07)
Ágnes Matisz (ECON'19)
Thompson McDaniel (BUSI ’11)
Mariana Mdzeluri (GENS ’17)     
Zsolt Mezei (ECBS'18)
Milos Milicsevics (BUSI ’14)
Szilvia Molnár
Georgeta Muntenau (DPP'10)
Judit Murcsanyi (BUSI'10)
Boglarka Nagy
Eszter Nagy (IR'18)
Robin Nagy (BUSI'07)
Balázs Nándori (BUSI'17)
Phuong Nguyen (ECON ’19)
Eugenia Nikitina (POLS ’04)
Branko Nikolic (LEGS'02)
Andras Novak (BUSI ’16)
Yekaterina Panova (BUSI'17)
Kirilka Peeva-Müller (BUSI'08)
Andrea Perneczky (BUSI ’01)     
Eva Polyecsko (BUSI ’19)      
Alina Poliakova (POLS'16)
Katarina Posa (IRES'15)
Nemanja Predojevic (ECBS ’18)
Ágnes Schram (BUSI'16)
Peter Simko Dr (LEGS ’01)        
Kristina Simonyan (BUSI ’18)      
Ekaterina Solovova (SOCL'18)
Árpád Somogyi (LEGS ’03)
Luca Speranza (BUSI ’06)       
Tamás Steinfeld (BUSI ’10)   
Márton Szentpéteri (HIST DSP'02)   
Zoltan Szép (BUSI ’17)
Péter Szilágyi
Serge Sych (IRES'97, LEGS '99)
LIlla Tagai (ECBS'18)
Sanja Tepavcevic (POLS ’14)
Alexey Tsykunov (LEGS ’02)
Richard Uhrin
Ádám Urbanovics (BUSI'17)      
Joszif Vasser (BUSI ’03)           
Máté Wohlmuth (BUSI ’15)        
Cagdas Yetkin (BUSI ’18)
Árpád Varga (IRES'05)
Judit Varga (BUSI'17)
Peter Zala (IRES ’05)       
Gabor Daniel Zamaroczy (ENVS ‘05)
Zhanar Zhandossova (LEGS'19)
Stefan Ziegler (BUSI'12)

About CEU iLab
The CEU InnovationsLab or “iLab” is a flagship initiative of CEU to create economic opportunity in Hungary and the Central and Eastern European region by nurturing a culture of entrepreneurship and linking academia and business.  

Launched in 2016, CEU iLab is a business incubator-accelerator and much more. It is a CEU-wide learning-by-doing platform, enhancing students’ and alumni academic experience by offering real-life experience in student/alumni-initiated innovative new businesses and helping students to pursue career paths in business and sustainable social entrepreneurship.  

CEU iLab was voted Hungary's best university incubator at the Central European Startup Awards in 2017.

If you can't join the event, you can watch it online from 6:30pm on the following  channel:,Auditorium

Please note that by registering for this event you give permission to CEU Alumni Relations Office to include your name, department and year of graduation in the online attendee list for the event. If you do not wish to be included in the list please write us (link to For more information on how we collect, use, transfer and retain your personal data. please check our Privacy Statement.