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The European Convergence Challenge: Efficiency, Solidarity, Competitiveness

Wednesday, November 14, 2018, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm

The School of Public Policy of Central European University cordially invites you to a public lecture by

László Andor

EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-14), Head of Department of Economic Policy at Corvinus University (Budapest) and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels)

The European Convergence Challenge:
Efficiency, Solidarity, Competitiveness

The lecture will be followed by a panel discussion.

The European Union has been struggling in recent years to sustain convergence among its member states. Upward economic convergence in the East has not been coupled with social convergence, while the South has started to diverge also economically in the crisis years. While the need to deliver cohesion and convergence is included in the EU treaties, the capacities and responsibilities are shared between the EU institutions and the member states. How to boost efficiency, solidarity and competitiveness for sustainable upward convergence is a matter of academic research as well as current political debates which this lecture will assess.

László Andor is Head of Department of Economic Policy at Corvinus University (Budapest) and Senior Fellow at the Foundation for European Progressive Studies (Brussels). He was EU Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2010-14). Since 2015, he has been lecturing at Hertie School of Governance (Berlin), ULB (Brussels) and Sciences Po (Paris) and became member in various think tanks (EPC, RAND Europe, Friends of Europe). He is a Policy Fellow at IZA (Bonn) and a team leader for an EFOP research project on the future of work at Corvinus. He was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa at Sofia University of National and World Economy and the Legion of Honour by the French President in 2014.

Marco Leonardi: Economic Adviser to the Prime Minister of the Italian Government (2014-2018) and Professor in Economics at the University of Milan

Andrea Weber: Professor, Department of Economics and Business, Central European University

Martin Kahanec: Head, School of Public Policy, CEU