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I-Dialogs - Can the Digital Copy of a Parent Raise a Child?

Thursday, November 15, 2018, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

i-Dialogs is a discussion series about technology and its impact on business and society, with the main focus being on the human aspect through ethical and moral questions.

Please see the Facebook event page here

Our first discussion will be a Harvard-style debate around the following question: “Can the digital copy of a parent raise a child?” We will start the discussion with two short presentations: Norbert Sepp will argue for YES, explaining why this would be possible, and Andras Kanai will represent the NO side, that is, why this won’t be feasible. The twist? Both presenters actually have powerful arguments for the other side of the coin. Andras is a futurist and very much believes in the matter, while Norbert, an AI expert, has doubts whether this would ever be possible. After their short presentations, we will open the floor to participants to share their thoughts on this exciting topic.