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Big Data and Society, Closing Workshop of the CEU JustData Initiative

The CEU Campus
Monday, December 3, 2018, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

JustData has been one of the CEU Intellectual Themes Initiatives, focusing on the interdisciplinary aspects of the Big Data revolution, with special emphasis on its impact on social sciences.

This revolution has raised utopian hopes of a more inclusive, more just society, where businesses and governments use data to better serve citizens. Data itself, however, is neither just nor unjust: access to data and use of data are what determine its societal value. In this workshop different aspects of data usage will be elucidated from academia to industry.

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  9.00 Miklós Koren (CEU)

  9.35 Balázs Vedres (CEU)

10.10 Federico Musciotto (CEU)

10.45-11.00 Coffee break 

11.00 András Vicsek (Maven 7, Budapest)

11.35 Gábor Fáth (Morgan-Stanley, Budapest)

12.10-13.40 LUNCH

13.40 Balázs Szegedy (Rényi Institute, Budapest)

14.15 Peter Klimek (Complexity Science Hub Vienna)

14.50-15.05 Coffee break

15.05 Luca Pappalardo (ISTI-CNR Pisa) 

15.40 Arieda Muco (CEU)

16.15 Panel discussion with Peter Klimek (CSH Vienna), János Kertész (CEU), Miklós Koren (CEU), Chrys Margaritidis (CEU), Roberta Sinatra (CEU)