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ETHOS Project Annual Conference

The CEU Campus
Wednesday, January 16, 2019, 2:00 pm – Saturday, January 19, 2019, 8:00 pm

CEU and CEUR will host the annual conference of the EU-funded Horizon2020 project

ETHOS: Towards a European Theory of Justice and Fairness

The conference will bring together the project’s participants to present and discuss the project findings and engage in dissemination activities. The conference includes a policy event and a workshop engaging with philosophical questions which are central to the project.

The research consortium includes Utrecht University (UU, Utrecht, The Netherlands, coordinator), Europäisches Trainings und Forschungszentrum für Menschenrechte und Demokratie (ETC, Graz, Austria), Kozep-Europai Egyetem (CEU, Budapest, Hungary), Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES, Coimbra, Portugal), Boğaziçi University (BU, Istanbul, Turkey) and the University of Bristol (UoB, Bristol, United Kingdom).

ETHOS seeks to develop a new integrative perspective on justice and fairness, by:

  • Combining conceptualizations of justice within various disciplines (philosophy, sociology, law, economy, political science) and various schools of thought (including liberal tradition, republican tradition and communitarian tradition);
  • Bridging a gap between the theoretical and the empirical reflections of justice and fairness, where 'empirical' encompasses data on the discursive construction of justice in Europe, institutionalization of justice in laws, subjective experiences of (in)justice in various social domains (media, education, politics and daily life experiences) and on (non-)institutional struggles for justice.
  • Accommodating multiple voices of vulnerable populations via communicative tools, workshops, focus group meetings, policy briefs, and the interactive European Landscapes of Justice. ETHOS will reach a deliberative process of attuning seemingly antagonistic voices in a harmonious concert, reflecting the mutual understanding of a European theory of justice and fairness.

Please find here the link for the list of conference events that will be open to the public.

The ETHOS project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No. 727112