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Careers in UN

Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 7:00 pm

Careers in UN

Join us for a panel discussion about careers in the United Nations. You will hear from CEU alumni and current students regarding their experience working with UN agencies in a variety of roles. Our speakers will share information about their own career paths and provide advice for CEU students interested in this career area.


Bilal Aurang Zeb Durrani (DPP ‘09) began working for the UN in 2009. Since 2011, he has worked in UNICEF’s NY headquarters, first as a Strategic Planning Specialist and, since 2015, as Partnerships Manager currently covering the East Asia and the Pacific Region.

Kanykei Dzhusupova (ECBS ’19) currently works part time with UNCHR’s shared service center in Budapest as a Senior Supply Assistant in Quality Unit. Previously, she did an 8-month internship with the same unit in the area of quality management. Kanykei’s previous experience includes jobs and internships in areas related to supply chain management, finance and administration.

Nvard Loryan (SPP ’16) has worked for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) since July 2017. Her current role is Programme and Monitoring Specialist with the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. She previously worked in HR roles with FAO's Budapest shared service center. Nvard’s professional experience includes jobs and internships in the multilateral and private sectors. 

Cecile Poitevin (ENVS ’19) currently works part time with UNCHR’s shared service center in Budapest as a Senior Supply Assistant. Previously, she did a 6-month internship with the same unit in the area of compliance and risk management. Cecile has additional work, volunteer and internship experience with organizations in France and in Budapest, primarily focused on rights issues impacting vulnerable and at-risk people.

Radka Pudilova (SPP ’15) is currently serving as a UN Volunteer in Innovation with UNICEF, Serbia. Radka’s previous career experiences include internships and jobs with civil society organizations and research institutes in Lebanon, Brazil, and Czech Republic.