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Excellence in European research: understanding the ERC

Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm

The event was video-recorded and uploaded into Pasts's channel

We invite you to a discussion on ERC, including the launch of Thomas König's book The European Research Council and a Q&A session with ACRO on ERC applications and project management. 

Introduction and Moderation: Balázs Trencsényi, Head of the History Department, CEU

Thomas König: Excellence in European research: understanding the ERC
Only 10 years after its inception, the European Research Council (ERC) is a well-established niche programme in the European research funding landscape. And, as it is dedicated to fund academic research, it has shaped, and redrawn, some of the rules and hierarchies of academic communities across Europe. In this presentation, I will shed light on the historical circumstances leading to the ERC’s establishment and discuss the intended, as well as unintended, impact on research across Europe, and specifically on the social sciences.
Thomas König holds a PhD in political science. He is Head of Strategy and Scientific Services at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Vienna. In 2017, he published “The European Research Council” with Polity Press (Cambridge).

Q&A with Vanda Mohácsi, ACRO, CEU
We welcome all prospective or current ERC applicants (Starting, Consolidator, Advanced, Synergy Grant); those who have submitted ERC proposals and are awaiting evaluation; and current or past grantholders.