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Book launch: Two books on history of social sciences in Europe and beyond

Book Launch
The CEU Campus
Monday, February 11, 2019, 5:00 pm

The Institute for Advanced Study, Pasts Inc., Center for Historical Studies, and the CEU Department of History cordially invite you to the discussion and launch

Shaping Human Science Disciplines: Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan) 

with editors Prof. Dr. Christian Fleck (University of Graz), Dr. Matthias Duller (IAS CEU Botstiber fellow) and Prof. Victor Karády (Department of History, CEU) 

and invited discussant Prof. Dr. Jean-Louis Fabiani (Department of Sociology, CEU)


Social Sciences in the "Other Europe“ since 1945 (Budapest: Pasts, Inc., Central European University)

with editors Adela Hîncu (PhD candidate in history, CEU) and Prof. Victor Karády (Department of History, CEU) 

and invited discussant Prof. Dr. Miklós Hadas (Corvinus University).