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Agroecology Nights III: Social and Political Aspects of Agroecology

Thursday, February 14, 2019, 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Let's celebrate this this Valentine's day by talking about caring, loving and acting for one another. Join us for a truly interesting talk on the next event of the Agroecology Nights, where we will talk about the social and political aspects of Agroecology. We will talk about care farms, Brazilian social movements, therapeutical gardens, and much more!

This time our guest-speakers will be:

- Panka Terdi — Waldorf Gardening Teacher, Therapeutical Gardening
- Miklós Tóth — Gyüttment Fesztivál
- Carolina Rizzi Star — Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations
- Viktória Bohus — Barka Social Farm

Facebook event

How familiar are you with sustainable diets, alternative agricultural systems and food sovereignty?
As responsible citizens and concerned consumers, we must be informed how our food is produced, by whom, and what environmental, economical and political impact it has.

Join us for the Agroecology Nights event-series and get inspired by discussions with guest speakers active in alternative agricultural systems as farmers, consumers’ associations, researchers, academics, and civil society organizations.

Agroecology Nights are co-organised by Védegylet (Protect the Future Association) and the Dept. of Environmental Sciences and Policy at CEU and feature 4 events from November to March.