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“Science under Pressure:” The Forum of the “Stadium 28 Circle” on Hungarian Academic Life

The CEU Campus
Friday, February 15, 2019, 3:00 pm

The Metamorphoses of the Relationship of Science and Politics - the Example of the Hungarian Academy of Science (HAS), 1945-1949

György Péteri, historian, member of the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters, professor, Contemporary European History, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim

“They Grow like Mushrooms” (Overview of the research institute network founded by the Hungarian Government in the past 8 years)

Gábor Klaniczay, historian, DSc, university professor, Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University

What Does the “Evaluation” of Research Institutes Mean? (An example, taken from the natural sciences, once realized in Debrecen) 

László Nagy, molecular biologist, member of the HAS, professor, University of Debrecen and Johns Hopkins School of Medicine


Éva Standeisky, PhD, historian, (1956 Institute)

Dóra Győrffy,  DSc, economist – political scientist (Pázmány Péter Catholic University and Corvinus University)

Szűcs Zoltán Gábor, PhD, political scientist, (Institute for Political Science, Centre for Social Sciences, HAS)

Debate moderated by András Váradi

The presentations will be in Hungarian, but simultaneous interpretation will be available