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Academic mobility in Cold War social science: Biographical and prosopographical approaches

Thursday, February 21, 2019, 2:30 pm – Friday, February 22, 2019, 5:30 pm

The workshop is open to the public but pleqase register here  by February, 20.

The aim of this workshop is to discuss the effects of academic exchange programs and academic migration during the Cold War through analyzing (single and multiple) biographies of social scientists. Transnational intellectual exchange was a vital element of cultural and science policies of countries East and West of the Iron Curtain. Governments and private organizations spent millions of dollars on influencing academics and intellectuals around the world and making academic mobility available through fellowship programs and international research institutes. In particular American private philanthropic foundations such as the Rockefeller, Ford, or Carnegie Foundations appeared as main agents in these activities.

Against the backdrop of the different and conflicting expectations from political actors on both sides of the Iron Curtain, this workshop will concentrate on the effects that academic mobility (temporal and permanent) had on social scientists from different Eastern European countries. Presentations cover the diplomatic background of East-West exchange, case studies of individual biographies, and studies on larger samples of social scientists using prosopographical and statistical data.


February, 21, 2019

14.15 – 14.30 Opening remarks and introduction by Matthias Duller

14.30 – 16.30 Panel I: East-West exchange from American and East European perspectives

Dr. Matthias Duller, IAS CEU Botstiber fellow

The Ford Foundation’s East European Program: A Trojan Horse?

 Prof. Dr. Jarosław Kilias, Department of Sociology, University of Warsaw

Ford Foundation scholarships program and Polish academic exchange policy

PhD candidate Adela Hîncu, Department of History, CEU

Three Generations of Romanian Sociologists and 'the West'

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.30 Open lecture

Prof. Dr. Iván Szelényi

The strength of weak ties: long term consequences of my Ford Fellowship in the US 1964-65

19.00 Dinner for participants of the workshop

February, 22, 2019

10.00 – 12.30 Panel II: Academic migration through mass data: Prosopographies and census data

Prof. Dr. Péter Tibor Nagy, John Wesley Theological Academy, Budapest

Places of birth and death. An empirical approach of historical trends of brain drain in European social science elites (19-20 centuries)

Prof. Victor Karády, Distinguished research associate, CEU

The dialectics of controlled information in the Hungarian social sciences during the Cold War and after: the case of books received and made available in the Budapest Municipal Library (1945-2010)

PhD student Carl Neumayr, Department of sociology, University of Graz

Academic migration from Eastern Europe to the US: Results from US census data

12.30 – 14.00 Lunch

14.00 – 16.30 Panel III: Case studies of academic exchange

Dr. Vítězslav Sommer, Institute of Contemporary History, Czech Academy of Sciences and Institute of Social and Economic History, Charles University Prague

The Academic Exchange as a Discovering of America: Case Studies of Irena Dubska and Stanislav Vacha

Prof. Dr. Tomasz Zarycki, Institute for Social Studies, University of Warsaw

Antoni Kukliński’s American experiences in the 1960s and his trajectory through the field of Polish geography in a comparative perspective

PhD student Una Blagojević, Department of History, CEU

Constructing a Transnational Space: The World(s) of the Korčula Summer School in Yugoslavia

16.30 – 17.00 Coffee break

17.00 – 18.00 Open discussion