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Academic CV Writing - Info Session/Career Camp

Friday, February 22, 2019, 12:50 pm – 1:30 pm

CEU students are kindly invited to join the Academic CV Writing - Info Session during CEU's Career Camp. 

Whether you apply to do a doctoral degree, for a grant or teaching fellowship or aim only to participate in a conference, your academic CV is among the first documents a committee will see. How can you ensure that you present yourself in the most efficient way? How many pages are allowed and what format should you choose? How can you adjust the CV to different audiences, to various institutions? All these questions will be tackled during the info session. Participants will be exposed to principles of structuring and customizing the academic CV. They will also be able to formulate concrete questions to be asked during individual career appointments in the future, when they address this topic with a career advisor.


Connected Career Camp programs:

When applying for a job or internship outside academia, the academic CV is usually replaced with a resume or “job CV”. Students can (and should) develop versions of both documents, in parallel, and can use them according to the scope. Consider attending the CV/Resume session on Tuesday to learn about formats and content for non-academic job applications.  

CEU Career Camp is a series of career development programs designed to kickstart your progress towards your career goals. Sessions focus on the most pressing questions and topics that you may face. From longer workshops that cover a specific topic in depth, to “grab and go” style lunch break info sessions, there is something for everyone.
Date: 18-22 February, 2019