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Ptah Theatre: Rose and Alfred - performance and workshop

Monday, February 25, 2019, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Ptah Theatre: „Rose and Alfred”
„It’s only You who I can love, my sweet, thank God I’ve met You…” sounds the popular Hungarian melody from a radio program: „Melodies for good lunch”. First love, marriage and "forever together" or better alone? Just some everyday misunderstandings between the two elderly through the language of mask puppetry.

Performed and devised by Mykola Bondarchuk (UA) and Agnes Domonkos (HU)- L1 resident

Poetic body - workshop by Agnes Domonkos

The workshop is a playful introduction into creating a body fully alive on stage: to act with and react to it and let the words appear on the surface. Step by step we are finding characters, working with the dynamics of movement, space and group. Natural elements, materials, sounds are discovered through the miming body and later enrich the acting of characters. There is no need to any performing experience, only comfortable clothes.

Agnes Domonkos (HU, L1 resident 2019) is a performing artist and trainer based in Budapest. After her Master's degree in Psychology she studied at London International School of Performing Arts that teaches the Lecoq's method. She also gained experience at the Moving Academy for Performing Arts (MAPA), Amsterdam.
In her work she focuses on the fully alive body and space, as she often works on site-specific pieces that are based on physical expression, using masks, the principles of Jacques Lecoq in physical and object theatre. She aims at sharing Lecoq's method with as many performers as possible through her courses and performances, as she believes this technique leads back to the main point of theatre: how to create miracles on stage. Currently she works as artistic leader and performer of Ptah Theatre and she is a resident of L1 association.
She regularly holds Lecoq's method workshops throughout Europe (Kiev, Belgrade, London, Silkeborg, France, Sofia, Budapest).
She also took part of Art Therapy Conferences in Kiev as lecturer.

Supported by: Ukrainian Community of Veszprém, Badacsony Region, SÍN, L1 Association

Participation is free of charge.
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Zenés bábjáték maszkokkal //
"Költői test" workshop - Domonkos Ágnes vezetésével

Az idős szerelmespár felébred reggel. A napjuk szokásosnak indul, de mikor bekapcsolják a rádiót, minden megváltozik: a felhangzó dallamok emlékeket hívnak elő, az emlékek megelevenednek, s hol táncra perdítik őket, vagy autós kalandokra hívják, de a leves kanalazás is átmehet heves muzsikálásba. Elfáradnak olykor; nehéz lenne egymás nélkül, de együtt sem mindig könnyű.
Történet örök szerelemről, barátságról, kitartásról, túlélésről és az élet apró örömeiről.
A magyar-ukrán társulat rendhagyó mozgás színházi, bábos, maszkos előadásaival járja az országot és képviseli hazánkat külföldi fesztiválokon.

Alkotó-előadók: Mykola Bondarchuk, Domonkos Ágnes (L1-rezidens 2019)

Támogatók: Veszprémi Ukrán Önkormányzat, SÍN, Badacsony Régió, L1 Egyesület

Az előadáson és workshopon való részvétel ingyenes, egy regisztrációs emailt kérünk a címre.