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Careers in NGO's

Monday, March 18, 2019, 6:00 pm – 7:20 pm

Join us for a panel discussion about pursuing a career in the NGO sector. You will hear from several professionals (some of who are CEU alum) with experience in a range of NGO's and a variety of roles and foci, from green initiatives to human rights and education. Our speakers will share information about their own career paths and provide advice for CEU students interested in this career area. Below you will find more information about the panelists and their current work and background. 

Meet the Panelists:

Judit Koppany (SOCL '06) currently works for the Badur Foundation's Budapest office as a project coordinator, heading up local initiatives to tackle deep poverty. She previously worked for the Artemisszio Foundation managing social programs and developing and delivering intercultural trainings. Additionally, Judit is an alumna of CEU's MA in Sociology and Social Antrhopology program. 

Marta Vetier (ENVS '07) has worked for Greenpeace for over 10 years, initially as a policy advisor in Brussels, later as the programme director of the Hungarian office, and most currently as a senior advisor and global project leader focusing on campaign strategies. Recently she started her own consultancy where she offers advice to NGO's on strategy development and also offers facilitation and coaching services. Marta is also a PhD candidate at CEU's Department of Environmental Sciences.

Evelin Verhas has been working for the past three years as the Head of Programmes for the Tom Lantos Institute, a Budapest-based NGO focused on human and minority rights in Hungary. She previously worked for six years in London with Minority Rights Group International, where she focused on promoting and protecting rights of minority communities in Europe, East-Africa, Middle East and North Africa, and South-East Asia through advocacy and litigation efforts.  

*Also, don't forget to check out the annual
CEU NGO Fair hosted by HRSI happening on Thursday, March 21st from 11am-2pm!