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Workshop on Digital Safety

Wednesday, March 20, 2019, 12:45 pm – 2:15 pm

Participants will learn how to protect themselves and their data online, how to avoid viruses, trolls and manipulations in social networks and in their mailboxes, how to verify information and check if online pictures and videos are real. They will do some practical exercises to help them remember and use the information that they perceive during the lecture.

If you would like to attend the workshop, please, send an email to with the subject Workshop on Digital Safety.

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: Types of digital threats

  • Classic threat examples
  • Social engineering examples
  • Wi-Fi threats
  • Smart-devices and card threats

Section 3: How to protect?


Yevhen Tsymbalenko has been Associate Professor at the Advertising and Public Relations Department at the Institute of Journalism, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv since 2009. In 2013, he defended his PhD dissertation “Informatization of Social Communications: Scientific Concepts, Legal Components and Sectoral Structure”. In 2016, he became a Deputy Director for Scholar Work and International Collaboration (Institute of Journalism).

Previously he worked for the NGO “Academy of Ukrainian Press” as a media trainer. His topics included “Internet Journalism”, “Internet Safety”, “Media Literacy”. In 2015, he started conducting workshops organized by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) in Ukraine.

He has more than 40 publications in specialized scientific journals and regularly participates in seminars and scientific conferences abroad: in Poland, Hungary, Germany, Great Britain.