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CEU Határtalan tudás: Mi a siker titka? – Hálózatok a siker szolgálatában / What's the Secret of Success?

miles davis
Friday, March 22, 2019, 6:00 pm

Why does everybody know Einstein’s name, but so few of us understand his theory of relativity? How did the Miles Davis album “Kind of Blue” become the most famous jazz record in the world, while hundreds of thousands of records go unnoticed? Is the secret of success personal ability or a well-selected team? 

It often seems like success is not connected to outstanding achievement. What part of success depends on our abilities, and what part depends on our circumstances? This lecture will look for the answer to this question by examining the role of social networks in our lives. The guests will consider how social networks are helpful in differentiating success from average achievements and what practical steps we can take to achieve success.


Albert-Laszlo Barabasi, physicist, professor at CEU and Harvard University 

Balazs Vedres, associate professor at CEU, researcher of social networks and changes

Bea Palya, singer, owner of the Palya Bea Production Company 


The event is open to the public free of charge. Please register here.

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CEU kicked off the Borderless Knowledge open lecture series in February 2019. CEU professors, in cooperation with leading Hungarian experts and well-known public figures, discuss exciting recent scientific findings and their direct impact on our everyday lives. The lectures will be held in Hungarian with simultaneous English interpretation.

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