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Data Stories 2019 Data Visualization Exhibition Opening

The CEU Campus
Tuesday, March 26, 2019, 4:30 pm – 5:30 pm

Submission deadline: March 21, 2019.

The Official Opening will take place on March 26, 2019 at 4:30 p.m., followed by the Annual Meetup at 5:30 p.m.


Data Stories is an exhibition of research visualizations on social and scientific topics, done both in academia and the private sector. The sixth edition brings together students, faculty, as well as business representatives to share their work and tools for data analysis & visualization. The project aims to improve collaboration in the academic environment and communication between student talents and future employers. The exhibition generates an open dialogue on substantive social scientific knowledge and technological interests and skills.

We invite you to submit print visualizations.

Participating in Data Stories is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your most important findings, reveal a novel perspective on an old problem, connect dots that haven't been connected before, or simply to learn something new about data visualization. The organizing team is well embedded in the wider community of academic and industry research and data visualization groups. Budapest Data Visualization Meetup, the local community started around the exhibition, gives us access to a wide variety of talks, workshops and conferences with students and professionals who work on similar research interests.

We encourage both single-authored contributions as well as interdisciplinary collaborations within and across academia and the private sector.


You can contribute one or more visualizations, single-authored or in collaboration within or outside your institution or organization. Depending on how many submissions we receive this year, we will display one or more visualizations per participant. In case there is no space for more than one visualization per participant, the author(s) must indicate which is their preferred single visualization for print display, while the rest will be displayed on our online platform.

  • You can submit any data visualization, with no rules on the content, structure, or size of the data displayed.
  • The visualization has to be an A1 size poster (841 x 594 mm) in ready-to-print PDF format, and has to include:
    • Author(s) name(s)
    • Institutional affiliation
    • Title of the visualization
    • Graphic legend
    • 250-word description of the visualization with:
      • Data source
      • Brief description
      • A clear message of what the visualization reveals

Submit your visualizations to

Due to GDPR regulations and copyright laws, we need your explicit consent to show the visualizations. Please type in your data, print, sign and send us 2 hard copies of one of the following forms (whichever is applicable) via mail.

License Agreement Single Author

License Agreement Multiple Authors


Department of Network and Data Science

Central European University

1051 Budapest

Nádor u. 9.


How the visualizations will be used:

  1. In the exhibition space, as A1 size posters. The exhibition is open to the general public free of charge for 2-3 weeks. After this, we are happy to gift these posters to the authors if they come and pick them up from us. If unpicked, we keep them in our offices, sometimes displayed on the walls.
  2. We upload the PDFs to the website dedicated to the exhibition. These remain here forever as an archive of past visualizations.
  3. We use the visualizations on our social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, and our own website) to advertise the event, always displaying the names of the authors as well.