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Info Session about the CEU iLab and CEU's Business MS programs at Startup Safari

Thursday, April 18, 2019, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Info Session about the CEU iLab and CEU's Business MS programs with Achilles Georgiu on the War for Talent

Join us to learn about CEU's Budapest-based, full-time/part-time business MS programs: MS in Business Analytics, MS in Finance, MS Technology Management & Innovation. Hear about the award-winning CEU InnovationsLab incubator. Learn about the Future of Big Data and Morgan Stanley scholarship and internship programs. Have an informal chat with faculty, students and alumni. Get all your questions answered about life at CEU!

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What to Expect

6:00-7:00 CEU iLab - A Nest for Unicorns? – Discussion with the iLab Startup Community
7:00-7:15 CEU's Business MS programs - Quick Facts
7:15-7:20 Break
7:20-7:50 The War for Talent is Over – Talk by Achilles Georgiu
7:50-8:10 CEU Experience Panel Discussion with Students and Alumni
8:10-9:00 Reception and Networking with CEU Students, Alumni and the iLab Community

CEU iLab - A Nest for Unicorns? – Discussion with the CEU iLab Startup Community

Meet our incubated teams that have raised over EUR4m in equity, Director Andrea Kozma, and CEU faculty and students working in the iLab - who all have a passion for entrepreneurship. Discover how academia can take charge and lead the way in business and startup incubation.

The War for Talent is Over – Talk by Achilles Georgiu

Some say that talent has won, others that everybody has lost this war. What are the competencies talented people have, and what skills are required to ensure success in the future? How do we need to reinvent ourselves to stay in front of the battlefield? Achilles Georgiu is Head of the MS in Technology Management & Innovation, Central Europe's only tech "EMBA". He is also Technical Support Services Leader at IBM.

Business MS Programs Guided by Industry

Join CEU's professional, industry-guided business MS programs. Study full-time as a graduate or career changer, or keep your career and study part-time. Study in Budapest with elective trips to Vienna.

  • MS in Business Analytics | 10 months | full-time or part-time
    A unique mix of analytics, computer science and business. Learn programming, dive into data analysis, big data and cloud computing, machine learning and data engineering. QS Top 50, CEE #1.
  • MS in Finance | 10 months | full-time or part-time
    A program designed with industry. Focus in on investments and banking, corporate finance or private equity. Embrace data analytics and technology. QS Top 100, CEE #3.
  • MS in Technology Management & Innovation | 10 months | part-time
    Combine your technical expertise with business, finance and leadership skills to become a technology leader, or develop your own startup in the award-winning CEU InnovationsLab incubator.
  • Fintech Management Parallel Studies | full-time or part-time
    Earn the MS in Finance and MS in Technology Management and Innovation. Become a fintech leader or develop your fintech startup.