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"Hate Speech" Monologues that Turn Prejudice into Love

Arts & Entertainment
The CEU Campus
Monday, April 29, 2019, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The Romani Studies Program (RSP) cordially invites you to an event dedicated to International Roma Day

"Hate Speech" Monologues that Turn Prejudice into Love

The ”Hate Speech” Monologues that Turn Prejudice into Love is a participatory theatrical performance.  


The “Hate Speech” Monologues that Turn Prejudice to Love was first performed in April 2018, with student participating from the Roma Graduate Preparation Program (RGPP) and with the contributing performance of Peter Molnar. The performance will be followed by Q&A session.

 Peter Molnar is a slam poetry performer in English and Hungarian since 2010, when he initiated and convened an anti-racist and pro-diversity slam poetry event with internet streaming between Budapest and New York. In 2013, he invented and since then he has directed the performances of the “Hate Speech” Monologues at CEU. In the year of 2018, he became the Champion of European Slam Poetry.

The “Hate Speech” Monologues that Turn Prejudice to Love is a participatory storytelling theatrical performance. It is also one of the few artistic and conversational platforms where students, other members of the CEU community and the public reflect on prejudices and discrimination (as well as responses to them) in ways that engage them personally and academically.


For more information:

Related articles in the CEU Weekly in print and online:

A short video with statements by each performer from 2014: