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CEU Alumni Coffehouse

Friday, May 3, 2019, 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

Alumni Coffeehouse is back! Part of CEU Alumni Reunion Weekend, the coffeehouse is your chance to meet with classmates and faculty from your academic unit for a fun, informal gettogether. See friendly faces and learn what's new with your department! See participating units below and RSVP today. Open to all alumni. Hope to see you there! 

Department of Legal Studies
RSVP to Andrea Völgyes

School of Public Policy
RSVP to Bernadett Ball

Department of International Relations
"IR Alumni Tearoom"
See Facebook event 
RSVP to Zlata Kharitonova 

Department of Political Science
See event info 
RSVP to Borbala Darabos

Department of Economics and Business
RSVP to Melinda Molnár