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(C)EU brunch: what is the future of our European Union?

Saturday, May 4, 2019, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

Podium discussion with the Alumni of IRES 2009 generation

This May 2019 is of historical importance for the future of the European Union (EU). The Sibiu Summit, European Parliament elections and the new EU's Strategic Agenda for the period post-2020 will mirror contested ideas and shared hopes of the EU project within European societies at large.

2019 also marks the 10th graduation anniversary of the IRES 2009 generation and we would like to give our contribution to the current debate on the EU's future, based on our professional experiences, reflections and personal stories, following the first decade since we graduated from CEU.

The Alumni of the IRES 2009 generation personally witnessed the fall-out of the biggest global economic recession since the 1930s, the fundamental reshaping of the international order and the EU's existential crisis with the ultimate consequence of Brexit and the rise of illiberal democracy. Our tenth graduation anniversary, and the last to be celebrated in Budapest, offers a unique chance to discuss some of the EU's perspectives for the next decade. Upholding fundamental values, addressing challenges of migration, climate change, digitalization and social inequalities, reassessing the role of nation-states and regions within the EU and the EU's relationship with global powers are just some of the topics on the EU's agenda for the upcoming decade.

Representatives from IRES 2009 generation will provide their views and reflections upon these issues from different point of views stemming from different areas of: academia, policy-making, diplomacy and entrepreneurship.

However, our main intention with this discussion is to celebrate the CEU community, strengthen CEU's alumni network and reach out to the new studentship in the global quest of advocating fundamental academic values and freedom of speech.

Dear friends, professors, members of the CEU community,

We are looking forward for your participation,

Sincerely Yours,

Alumni of IRES 2009 generation


11:00 – 11:05  Introductory speech

Alexander Astrov, Head of the IR Department, CEU

 11:05 – 11:50  Podium discussion

Mrs. Edlira Majko, Program Specialist for the Roma Initiatives Office, Open Society Foundation, Berlin

Mrs. Tanya Andreeva, Contracts&Partnerships Specialist, UCB Biopharma Sprl, Belgium

Mr. Neculai-Cristian Surubaru, PhD, Maastricht University, Maastricht

Mr. Julius Reynolds, Founder and CEO,

moderated by

Mr. Saša Čvrljak, diplomat, Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Zagreb[*]

 11:50 – 12:30  Q & A session

 12:30  Buffet and get-along with current CEU students and alumni 

[*] Opinions represented during the discussion are solely private ones and do not represent official positions of affiliated institutions

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