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The Bright Side of Nationalism

Yuval Noah Harari
Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

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ABSTRACT / The lecture will emphasize the continuing relevance of nationalism in a global age, the bright side of nationalism, and the fact that there is no contradiction between nationalism and globalism – they can actually support one another. The main message will be: “in the twenty-first century, good nationalists should be globalists, because only global cooperation can ensure the security and prosperity of people in your nation.”

BIO / Prof. Yuval Noah Harari is the bestselling author of Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century.

Born in Haifa, Israel, in 1976, Harari received his PhD from the University of Oxford in 2002, and is currently a lecturer at the Department of History, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Prof. Harari originally specialized in world history, medieval history and military history.

His current research focuses on macro-historical questions such as: What is the relationship between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? Is there justice in history? Does history have a direction? Did people become happier as history unfolded? What ethical questions do science and technology raise in the 21st century?

The event will be livestreamed at CEU's YouTube channel.

CEU will provide simultaneous Hungarian interpretation.