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Global Labor Economics: Challenges and Benefits

Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

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The School of Public Policy of Central European University cordially invites you to a lecture by the George Soros Visiting Chair & President of the Global Labor Organization (GLO)

Global Labor Economics:
Challenges and Benefits

While previously free labor mobility was considered to be a promising objective, it is now more often seen as a threat and the cause of misery. If so, the economic perspectives of Europe and other continents are indeed gloomy. The lecture confronts research findings with public perceptions to conclude that labor mobility, if properly used, is still part of a promising strategy to deal with the real global challenges to come.

About the speaker: Director of POP at UNU-MERIT, Maastricht; Emeritus Professor at Bonn University; Honorary Professor, Maastricht University, Free University of Berlin and Renmin University of China; Member, German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, Regional Science Academy, and Academia Europaea. Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Population Economics. Among others, he has worked at the Universities of Malaya, Melbourne, Princeton, Harvard, Bonn, Munich, Kyoto, Mannheim, Dartmouth College and the University of Pennsylvania. He has published widely in top academic journals, is committed to the diffusion of research to policy and society, writes regularly in leading international media and advises governments and institutions. A prominent advocate of evidence-based policy-making, effective labor market reforms and free labor markets.

The George Soros Visiting Chair or the George Soros Visiting Practitioner Chair is awarded to scholars or practitioners who have demonstrated outstanding achievement or a distinguished record of participation in the academic, professional, journalistic, political, or civic world of public policy, established with generous contributions from the friends and family of George Soros, the founder of Central European University and of the School of Public Policy, and the Honorary Chairman of the CEU Board of Trustees.