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End-Of-Semester Student Documentary Film Screening

Film Screening
Monday, May 13, 2019, 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for this special screening of short documentaries produced in courses supported by the CEU Library’s Mirabaud Media Lab, and are part of the curriculum of the Visual Studies Platform’s advanced certificate program in Visual Theory and Practice. The evening is part of a series of end-of-semester screenings featuring the exceptional work of CEU students. This installment includes films from the courses “Historical Narratives and the Moving Image” and “Visual Anthropology.”

The screening will last for approximately 80 minutes and be followed by a brief Q&A with the filmmakers and a reception in the N13 Atrium.

The event is supported by the Visual Studies Platform @CEU, CEU Library's Mirabaud Media Lab, Department of History and Department of Sociology and Social Anthropology.

Historical Narratives and the Moving Image:

Ghosts of Past Regimes


Water Stories

Deadly Stereotypes

History that Waits in Vienna

Busójárás Mohácson

Visual Anthropology:

Uncle Charlie

With the Eyes of a Fisherman

The Street Performer

Roma Tour


Isaura the Spectre


White Flags

(some are working or assumed titles)