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Global and Regional Geopolitical Trends, Migration

Panel Discussion
The CEU Campus
Tuesday, May 21, 2019, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

The event is organised by the CEU Project "Migration and Security in the Post-Soviet Space" in the framework of the first meeting of " Academy of Dialogue: promoting intercultural understanding in Central and Eastern Europe through scientific cooperation". Academics and representatives of NGOs are discussing the main problems of mutual understanding in Central and Eastern Europe. It seems that after 1991 every country in the region is trying to create its own vision of the past and interpret contemporary socio-economic processes through its own discourse. The views of different countries are often divergent or even diametrically opposite. The aim of this workshop is to look at current social reality from different points of view in order to foster the development of a common approach to the current problems facing the region.

9.30 Registration

10.00 Welcome notes from organizers

10.15 Panel discussion:

GEORGI DERLUGUIAN – Professor of Social Research and Public Policy, New York University in Abu Dhabi , (UAE): Donald Trump's coup as the recognition of the end of the world order.

ALEXEY MILLER - Professor, Department of History, Central European University (Budapest) and European University (St. Petersburg, Russia): How to return the dialogue (interactive) mode in the memory policy?

TAMÁS KRAUSZ – Professor Emeritus, History Department, Eötvos Lóránd University, (Budapest): The past and the present of anti-Semitism (racism): a policy of memory against science.

ALEXANDER PRIGARIN – Associate Professor, Department of Archeology and Ethnology, Odessa University (Ukraine): Human unity and cultural diversity in historical and contemporary perspective: ethnology of Odessa as a case study.

Chair: Ruben Mnatsakanian, Professor, CEU Department of Environmental Sciences and Policy

14.00 Refreshments

Please register with Dr. Irina Molodikova

Translation in Hungarian and Russian will be provided