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Non-Roma Fighting Antigypsyism in a Racist Society

The CEU Campus
Tuesday, May 28, 2019, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Central European University and Romani Studies Program aims to convene a space to think through and combat antigypsyism with non-Roma, invested in the struggle against racism in Europe.

This is a learning project including a series of interactive workshops and will address topics such as:

  • The historical roots of antigypsyism in Europe
  • How antigypsyism appears in housing, health, education, and employment
  • How non-Roma can contribute to ending antigypsyism
  • Techniques and strategies for self-care and intervention

The workshops will happen once a month from May – September 2019.

This workshop will be held on May 28, 2019. from 17.00 until 19.00. at CEU, Nádor u 15, room 202. 

For more information or to join the project, please contact:

Violeta Vajda,, +36309530822

This project is made possible with the support of the Romani Studies Program (RSP) at Central European University.

We aim to create a safe space, therefore please note:

  • we ask you to arrive promptly (at 17.15 we will close the doors)
  • after this meeting, we will no longer accept new members until after September 2019

The languages of the workshop will be Hungarian and English and we will ensure appropriate interpretation.