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Democratic Degenerations

Wednesday, May 29, 2019, 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

WELCOME REMARKS / Michael Ignatieff / President and Rector, CEU

ABSTRACT / Far from being self-stabilizing, the form of democracy which we have developed in the modern West is very vulnerable to certain kinds of degeneration. I want to develop three such tendencies which are present together in many of today's democracies.

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The event will be Livestreamed at CEU's YouTube channel.

BIO / Charles Margrave Taylor is a Canadian philosopher from Montreal, Quebec, and professor emeritus at McGill University known for his contributions to political philosophy, the philosophy of social science, the history of philosophy, and intellectual history. This work has earned him the Kyoto Prize in the arts and philosophy category, the Templeton Prize, the John W. Kluge Prize, the Berggruen Prize for being "a thinker whose ideas are of broad significance for shaping human self-understanding and the advancement of humanity."