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Research Progress Workshop 2019

The CEU Campus
Tuesday, June 18, 2019, 9:00 am – Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 1:00 pm

Tuesday, June 18, 2019 - 9:00 am to Wednesday, June 19, 2019 - 1:00 pm

Research Progress Workshop
Department of Cognitive Science
Central European University

Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18-19, 2019
Room 101, Október 6. utca 7.
Budapest 1051


Tuesday, June 18, 2019

SESSION 1 (Chair: James Strachan)

9:00 Francesca Bonalumi: Should I stay or should I go? Three-years olds' sensitivity to appropriate motives behind a commitment failure

9:20 Gábor Bródy: Conceptual and spatiotemporal object individuation in infancy

9:40 Helena Miton: What can 48,000 graphemes tell us about writing and its evolution?

10:00 Török Georgina: Joint action planning: minimizing the aggregate individual costs of co-actors

10:20 Jennifer Ang: Fairness in a Joint Task Distribution: Of Procedure and Outcomes

10:40 Mia Karabegović: Evaluations of prosociality in strategic contexts


SESSION 2 (Chair: Arianna Curioni)

11:20 Revencu Barbu-Alexandru: For 1½-year-olds, what happens on the screen stays on the screen

11:40 Simily Sabu: How does a Partner’s Motor Variability Affect Joint Learning?

12:00 Tominaga Atsuko: The Sound of Teaching Music: Experts’ sound modulation for novices

12:20 Otavio Mattos: For 13- and 24-month-olds, ambiguous requests are about kinds of objects and not about particular entities

12:40 Keric Vjeran: Influence of effort on perception in social contexts: Preliminary results.

13:00 LUNCH


Wednesday, June 19, 2019

SESSION 3 (Chair: Pavel Voinov)

9:00 Gábor Lengyel: A common probabilistic framework for perceptual and statistical learning 

9:20 Oana Stanciu: Improving teaching through active learning

9:40 Tamas Kovacs: A methodological overview of ideal observer analysis

10:00 Ádám Koblinger: Noise or signal? Psychophysical evidence for the role of sensory variability

10:20 Sára Jellinek: Neural correlates of emerging representations of novel categories 


SESSION 4 (Chair: Fruzsina Elekes)

11:00 Paula Fischer: Young children’s implicit representations of tool efficiency

11:20 Dóra Fogd: PUZZLE(D): Plans and first steps to investigate spontaneous behavioural adjustment following the updating of another person's mental state 

11:40 Laura Schlingloff:  Infants’ representation of utility in goal-directed actions

12:00 Nima Moussavifard: The efficiency assumption in communicative contexts

12:20 Levente Madarasz: Flexibility of quantifier representations

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