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Enterprise Blockchain Platforms and Applications

Wednesday, June 19, 2019, 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

This meetup will be hundred percent dedicated to enterprise and consortium distributed ledger platforms, demonstrating that blockchain is far more than cryptocurrency.

Please register and see more details at the meetup page.


1. Welcome session from CEU, iLab, Digital Asset, BCC, Hyperledger community

2. The evolution of the enterprise ledger technology from the Ethereum Enterprise Alliance to R3 Corda.

Daniel Szego - Hyperledger Budapest

3. Introduction to DAML.
In this presentation a brand new high level, Blockchain-agonistic language will be introduced for implementing financial smart contracts compatible even with traditional financial institutes.

Tamas Bartfai - Senior Developer, Tech Lead - Digital Asset
Gyorgy Farkas - Senior Developer - Digital Asset

4. Advanced DAML techniques

Gyorgy Balazsi - Head of Products - Blockchain Competence Center

5. Blockchain in IBM Supply Chain
Gergely Szlovak will present the ongoing Blockchain projects that are in use and under implementation in IBM Supply Chain. These projects are customs declaration, parts provenance and logistics tracking. These initiatives were recognized by Manufacturing Leadership 100 in Supply Chain Leadership category and NextGen Awards.

Gergely Szlovak - Consulting Supply Chain Management Professional (CSCMP) and Cognitive Advocacy Lead - Transformation - IBM Systems

5. Discussion and networking