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Equitable Access to Urban Green Space by Young, Old and Low Income Residents: A tale of four cities

The CEU Campus
Monday, June 24, 2019, 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous improvement of China's economic strength, the gap between rich and the poor has also been widening, and the issue of social equity has attracted public attention. As an important urban public service, every resident, including particularly children, the elderly and members of low-income households should enjoy equal access to urban public green space, but we don’t know whether they do. Therefore, this research focuses on finding out how the spatial structure of urban green space correlates with the distribution of sensitive social groups who may need green space the most. The comparison of Singapore, Budapest, Shanghai and Tianjin is expected to provide information for green space planning of high-density cities/ regions primarily in China through the planning experience of public green space in high-density counties/ cities such as Singapore and Budapest. 

Presenter: Qing Ye is a postdoctoral researcher based at the School of Architecture, Tianjin University, and also a lecturer at Hebei University of Technology in China. Her research focuses on the green renovation of old/ poor residential areas and communities.