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Special iLab Breakfast - Fireside Chat with the Ambassadors

Panel Discussion
Wednesday, September 18, 2019, 9:30 am – 1:00 pm

Fireside chat with the Ambassadors about entrepreneurship. Our guests will be U.S. Ambassador David Cornstein and Dutch Ambassador Rene van Hell. 

This event is open to public but requires registration by September 16. Please register at iLab's page.


09:30 Registration, coffee

10:00 Michael Ignatieff, Rector CEU – welcome remarks

10:10 Rene van Hell – opening remarks

10:20 Introduction of iLab and introduction of iLab team projects – Host team: Salarify

10:40 Panel discussion with: David Cornstein, Rene van Hell, Dutch and U.S. corporation representatives, iLab team founders. Moderator: Andrea Kozma, iLab director

11:40 Q&A

12:00 Networking reception