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The Lands In Between - Russia vs. the West and the New Politics of Hybrid War

Portrait of Professor Orenstein
Tuesday, October 1, 2019, 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Russian hybrid warfare, especially since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, could prove to be highly successful because it found the West unprepared. Before the 2020 elections in the United States, and after several years of exposure to the active measures of Russia -including using information as a weapon and interfering in elections - it is time to assess what the West has learnt from the experiences of hybrid war (if any). Professor Mitchell Orenstein from the University of Pennsylvania is one of the leading experts on the influence of Russia in the West, who, in his book “The Lands In Between – Russia vs. the West and the New Politics of Hybrid War“ combines a catchy, interesting, easy-to-read style with academic depth and extensive and up-to-date knowledge on Central and Eastern Europe. This book provides an elegant, holistic picture on the topic and puts a strong focus on policy solutions. After Professor Mitchell introduces the main findings of his book, a roundtable of experts will discuss the experiences of the West, the lessons learnt and the lessons that should be learnt.

15:00 – 15:15 Opening Remarks
Maryna Vorotnyuk
, Researcher, CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS)

15:15 – 15:45 Keynote Address: The Lands in Between – Russia vs. the West and the New Politics of Hybrid War
Mitchell Orenstein
, Professor and chair of Russian and Eastern European Studies, University of Pennsylvania; Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute

15:45- 16:45 From liberal avantgarde to avantgarde of illiberalism? Central European democracy after 15 years of EU membership
Jekatyerina Dunajeva, Assistant Professor, Pázmány Péter Catholic University
Péter Krekó, Director, Political Capital Institute; Europe’s Futures Fellow, IWM
Mitchell Orenstein, Professor of Russian and Eastern European Studies, University of Pennsylvania, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute
Maryna Vorotnyuk, Researcher, CEU Center for European Neighborhood Studies (CENS)
Moderator: Dorka Takácsy, Political Capital

16:45-17.00 Q&A

17.00-17.30 Coffee Break

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